Saturday, November 9, 2013

Unleach the Legs

The first ten days I sauntered and socialized my way through the medieval villages , then I climbed up to the meseta, or plateau and unleashed the legs. Days of walking along empty Roman roads and countryside.. Every evening is different, one albergue was like Faulty Towers, the next a warm greeting by nuns, the next a sponaneous samba party.
My companions for ther past three days are, Annette from Berlin and Atracta from Belfast, both speed walkers and despite their knee problems leave me trailing. We cover over 30km a day and expect to be in Santiago in five days. Falling into the routine: on the road by 7am, coffee stop mid-morning, late lunch and find a hostel by early afternoon. Then dinner and party with all the fellow perigrinos we met up with along the way, sadly many have had to drop out or rest because of  sprains and strains.


  1. Angela reminded me that you had 'hit' the Camino Trail.
    Now following your blog. An amazing adventure!
    Keep well.

  2. Please give us a map! With little yellow dots to show where you are each day!
